We welcome anyone who walks through our doors.
We want everyone who comes to Rock Point to make knowing Jesus Christ their first priority in life.
We desire that everyone here find fellowship and belonging, and realize that God has a purpose for them here in Iwakuni.
We strive to make Jesus known both through sharing our faith locally and supporting missions globally.
Growth Track
Step 1 - Connect to God
Our Sunday morning service is designed to draw you closer to Christ through prayer, worship and biblical teaching. We offer ministry not only for adults, but for children of all ages.
Step 3 - Connect to Serving
Whether you want to create a video or teach an in-depth Bible Study, there is a place for you at Rock Point! We believe that God has given each one of us talents that allow us to serve Him and help others!
Step 2 - Connect to Others
Our Connect Groups and Bible studies are designed to help you find a group of people to build strong friendships, to study the Bible together, and to care for one another. We pray that these become your "home away from home."
Step 4 - Connect to the World
Making Christ known is a high priority at Rock Point Church. Our goal is to equip to share your faith effectively through words and actions. We also encourage practical, prayerful and financial support of missions.